How Whatsapp (and Facebook) will Zuck You.
How Whatsapp (and Facebook) will Zuck You.
How Whatsapp (and Facebook) will Zuck You
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In my videos have discussed how you shouldn’t be loading apps like WhatsApp or Facebook on your phone. What I’ll do here is explain to you why this is important. Because if you don’t, you will be Zuck, and it’s coming up next.
The popularity of WhatsApp seems to vary by country. With Europe and India leading the pack do these users think WhatsApp is private. The masses are gullible and in this video. I’ll explain the kind of dangers you exposed yourself to when you install WhatsApp on your phone apparently some large chunks of the world population aren’t even aware that WhatsApp is a Facebook property. And of course most people will not read the Facebook End-User License Agreement or EU la which clearly states a lot of the dangers I will be discussing here today.
People flock to WhatsApp because they hear the word encryption. And then assume that it is safe this is an amazing play of disinformation by Zuckerberg. Which he exploits to the fullest to highlight the issue here. I’ll illustrate this with an example of two people. Let’s say a man and a woman having a private and perhaps secretive affair, and both decide that they will use WhatsApp to converse. Send pics hoping they stay under the radar.
So we will investigate what Zuck would know about this relationship. First, when you signup to WhatsApp , you use a phone number and it should be obvious that a phone number identifies you completely. Some here will think you can get away with burner phones and other similar options. You won’t. Next, most people who use WhatsApp will upload their contact lists. Those contacts lists we’ll have real names and phone numbers of people. And this draws not only a connection between a phone number in people’s names, but also what is called a relationship map.
Someone can infer connections based on intersections of contact list then WhatsApp like Facebook tracks unique identifiers on your phone such as the MAC address . Which is a unique serial number on your device that then matches your corresponding Facebook account. It will be the same identifier since it’s the same device your WhatsApp information is tied to Facebook in multiple ways. Your phone number which you use for two-factor authentication on Facebook , your MAC address your device fingerprint in general your IP address and your contact list.
Thus there is a 100% correlation between your identity on WhatsApp and your real name on Facebook . Facebook is a real name site. WhatsApp is not pseudo anonymous in any way. Meaning a fake name is meaningless.
So we’ll start with first conclusion that the main and woman having a liaison are now known by real name. It is also going to be known what times of day they are in touch with. And I would bet there would be a pattern. As well as frequency. I would also bet that if I were Zuck I could find these affairs just by comparing frequent contacts between a man or a women with different locations, different names and different contact list. This my friends is how made it data can be used for blackmail.
Now let’s go further. We already know that these people are not connected by virtue of having separate relatives, separate lives. With occasional intersections of location. Off course Zuckbook will know your political beliefs, religious beliefs, financial status, friends work. Plenty of information here that could be used for blackmail.
It gets worse because of the device fingerprint. Zuckbook also knows most of the websites they visit. Every website or app that has a Facebook like button actually hosts a Facebook tracker that spots your device fingerprint. Then, the next time you log into Facebook or WhatsApp you can send a tracker to Facebook and match your identity to what you have been doing on the internet even if you’re not logged in to Zuckbook .
Since most people are on Zuckbook , and people are posting pics to it all day. Then someone will eventually take your picture even if you’re in the background. And Zuckbook will be able to do facial recognition and tag you. Facebook facial recognition is at least 98 percent accurate. Probably the most accurate in the world. You will not escape.
So if you happen to be at a public restaurant having this Lay’s on, then, a table nearby could take your picture, autotag with location data, and now Zuck knows that you and your date are now seen together and recorded in ZuckBook in perpetuity.
Now, some will say that the conversations are encrypted and so we don’t really know what this man and this woman are talking about. This it’s foolishness. Intelligence agencies know that behavior can be revealed by the made of data, and it is not necessarily you know what’s being said. Intersections of locations at non-business locations and not at home already tell us a lot do these two people work together. The metadata will reveal that is there a pattern of hours to the conversations where there’s an absence of communications at certain times.
Let’s confuse the issue a little bit. Obviously, the information available to Zuckbook is incredible here. What if the man and woman were in politics, or some position of influence. Could someone uses knowledge to manipulate government in a way that could affect us in general ?. Control a vote for example. This kind of OPSEC or operational security analysis are doing here can be applied to other apps as well. For example, the same risk occur when using apps like Signal and Telegram .
Basically, any app that uses a phone number as the main identifier, and collects contact lists, are all dangerous. Some of you think that the answer is to never upload a contact list. The problem is that it is not you that’s the question. Can you stop your friends or relative from uploading a contact list that you’re in ?. Facebook or Zuckbook has its own very dangerous flaw. And that, it forces you to interact on the internet without pseudo anonymity , yet without any sort of privacy.
It is very easy to retrieve information on Facebook about anyone. Even with the maximum so called privacy settings. Watch my video about how they do that if you have any doubt. So I hope you realize that certain types of data or metadata are more important than you think.
The lesson to be learned here is that pseudo anonymity is extremely important, because, in effect, it creates this information. This is why I have my own pseudo anonymous app Brax.Me. There is no phone number requirement. There is no email requirement. There is no real name requirement. It is super encrypted on top of that and it is open source.
I made this app because I realized that the major major flaws in all these platforms can destroy your privacy. Even though they claim to have encryption. I hope I’ve given you food for thought and subscribe to my channel for more thought-provoking topics on privacy thank you for watching.